“My friends and I” How does a diversified circle of friends affect children’s mental health? “My friends and I” is a session from the “Revalue Syria” Project that helps children learn the value of how our coming together from different social, economic, religious, and other backgrounds enriches successes and joys of life while helping us...
Category: CPS Projects
Revalue Syria Project Moved On To Latakia
After being highly successful in Aleppo province with very active engagement on the part of locals, “Revalue” in all its stages moved on to Latakia last Thursday. A workshop led by technical experts began equipping facilitators on the foundations, content and tools of sessions for the target audiences of parents and children. Training is addressing...
“المرحلة الثالثة من “مشروع إحياء القيم المجتمعية في سوريا”
خصص “مشروع إحياء القيم المجتمعية في سوريا” في حلب، حيزاً كبيراً للاهل واختار 60 عائلة من اطياف المجتمع السوري لتعزيز القيم الاساسية في المجتمع. بفضل احدى ابرز ورش العمل التي تواصل فيها الاستشاريون والميسرون مع الاهل، خضع اهالي الاطفال يومي 31 آب و1 أيلول 2021 لورشة عمل مكثفة، نقل فيها الأهالي هذه المواضيع الى بيوتهم...
Re-value Syria Ongoing Project
Now in its second phase, the “Re-value Syria Project” experts held training sessions for facilitators who will be managing planned workshops intended to bring Syrians from all social and religious backgrounds together. The project promotes collaborative societal values for a variety of age groups as the program addresses conflict, conflict resolution and peace building, as...
“Beirut Hope” ongoing project: for many, it’s a gift
“We can’t buy cheese anymore” said Elissar Harouny, victim of Beirut Blast Aug 04, 2020. In the video, she tells her story and thanks CPS for its support wishing “Beirut Hope” project to keep helping families affected by the explosion. Watch the video here https://fb.watch/7Df5uu9vZ5/
“Beirut Hope” project is still ongoing: New distribution on Aug 03, 2021
Launched by CPSon September 2020, Beirut Hope Project helps families affected by Beirut blast Aug 04, 2020 to restore and rebuild their damaged houses, through the distribution of bank vouchers. So far more than 15 distributions, to more than 400 families, thanks to our donors to know more please check this video: https://fb.watch/7C0yM1XUQF/
Hope is still ongoing
Many NGOs helped us with food and detergents but CPS helped us the most. For CPS, project Beirut Hope is still ongoing. In the video Mrs. Helene Hamati from Forn El Chebak describes the moment of the blast. 1 year passed and the pain is still the same. To know more, please watch the Interview:...
“[Christians of Aleppo] believe that the faith they kept through the years will keep them in their land to continue telling the story of Jesus”, Rev. Joseph Kassab General Secretary of the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon
Christian spirituality is not defined by the fact that Christians experience persecution, but rather in the way in which they endure it and choose to respond to it. This is the story of the first Presbyterian Church to be established in Aleppo, Syria in 1853. The witness of this Church never fades: Christians found a...
Do you know that Delta variant is deadly with hidden symptoms?
According to CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Preventions): Vaccine breakthrough cases may reduce public confidence in vaccines: Vaccine breakthrough cases are expected and increase as a proportion of total cases as vaccine coverage increases. Vaccine breakthrough cases will occur more frequently in congregate settings, and in groups at risk of primary vaccine failure (i.e.,...
CPS team thinking about the sad and sympathizing with the wounded – Beirut Blast Aug 04, 2020
Khalil Haddad of CPS, wrote: “As Jesus went ashore, he saw a great crowd; and he had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. And wherever he went, into villages or cities or farms, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and begged him that they might touch even the...